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Main » 2023 » December » 1 » Advanced Photoshop CC for Design Professionals Digital Classroom
Advanced Photoshop CC for Design Professionals Digital Classroom
Advanced Photoshop CC for Design Professionals
Digital Classroom

Authors : Jennifer Smith and AGI Creative Team
Publisher : Wiley
PDF Format
Pages : 352
Released : January 24, 2014
Language: English
Included practice files,videos,etc
Size : 4,18 Gb

Take your Photoshop CC skills to the next level with this complete, advanced training package

Adobe Photoshop is the industry leading image-editing program for digital photographers, graphic designers, and web developers. The newest version includes even more great tools to manage and enhance your images. This book-and-DVD package focuses on using the more advanced Photoshop CC features such as curves, levels, blending modes, painting and drawing tools, and the latest  special effects to create professional-quality designs and images for web and video. You can learn at your own pace, using the step-by-step instructions in the book and supplementary exercises on the DVD.

Encourages you to develop your skills in the program's finer points with these 13 self-paced lessons developed by the AGI Creative Team
Features illustrated, step-by-step instructions plus video tutorials and lesson files, all created by expert instructors
Covers Adobe Bridge and Camera RAW, then focuses on advanced techniques including curves, levels, blending modes, painting and drawing tools, and the latest Photoshop CC special effects
Enables web developers and graphic designers to make full use of the advanced features of Photoshop CC (Creative Cloud)

Full-color, step-by-step instructional book
Video training from expert instructors
Tutorials and lesson files on companion DVD
You have a personal tutor in the Digital Classroom

If you want expert instruction that fits into your schedule, the Digital Classroom series delivers. Professional trainers guide you through 12 lessons, helping you learn invaluable Photoshop CC skills at your own speed. Full-color, easy-to-follow steps in the book are enhanced with video tutorials on the companion DVD. With this Digital Classroom training package, you have your own private tutor showing you the best way to learn Photoshop CC.


Discover tips and tricks geared for design professionals
Find out how to build compositions using advanced masking techniques
Discover how to take the vector tools in Photoshop to the next level
Find out how to create 3D illustrations in Photoshop
Learn how to color-correct images like a pro
Find out how to save your images for web and application design

Category: e-BOOKS | Views: 466 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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