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Main » 2018 » April » 12 » DAZ Studio Pro v4.9.3.166 Win64 Incl. Serial Keys + Extra Addons
DAZ Studio Pro v4.9.3.166 Win64 Incl. Serial Keys + Extra Addons
DAZ Studio Pro v4.9.3.166 Win64
Incl. Serial Keys + Extra Addons

Platform: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 | Language: English
Size : 1,64 Gb

DAZ Studio is the perfect tool to design unique digitalart and animations using virtual people, animals, props, vehicles,accessories, environments and more. Simply select your subject and / orsetting, arrange accessories, setup lighting, and begin creatingbeautiful artwork. Inheriting the best of version 3, DAZ Studio 4introduces a new look and feel focused on ease-of-use. There are newvideo tutorials included within the application to help users get up tospeed quickly, along with many technological innovations to improve thecreation experience. While compatible with past versions of 3D modelsand add-ons, DAZ Studio 4 enables the next generation of figures fromDAZ 3D, the GenesisTM series. The Genesis series facilitates a whole newparadigm of figure creation, customization, and sharing.


Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
Mulitple Undo / Redo
OpenGL Hardware Accelerated Preview
Support Drag and Drop
Import User Settings
Powerfull Modeling Features
Rendering & Effects Features
n-Photorealistic Rendering
MultiProcessor Support
OpenGL Support
Support OBJ, OBZ, JPG, DSI, PNG, TIFF, BMP, BHV file formats
Export to AVI movies
And much more

That is not an exhaustive list of what you can do using DAZ Studio:

Add to the scene of so many people as you like for you;
Set of people, animals, aliens, and even inanimate objects in that position (and position) that you need;
Put your models, your selected items. Incidentally, many details such as hair and odezhdyimeyut many settings;
To place furniture, background and objects in your scene. Almostinfinite variety of settings allows you to recreate your own livingroom, to simulate the cockpit spaceship ... and anything to portray.
Locate and adjust the light. You can easily adjust brightness, arealighting, location, direction, color and clarity of light - to get theresult, which is intended.
Location and size of many cameras. Bythe way, to see the stage at once with the four points of view, you cantoo. You can also select your camera from the range presented in theprogram;
Change any object, character or event in your scene.

Whats New Included & Features in DAZ Studio 4

The GenesisTM Series of Figures
Madepossible only by the advancements in DAZ Studio 4, is the extremelyversatile Genesis series of figures. The Genesis series allows avirtually limitless set of figure shape variations that can all becreated from a common base. These variations can range in both size andproportion while maintaining a common joint system (rigging). Everythingfrom massive, muscle-bound freaks or voluptuous and curvysuper-heroines to adorably cute, little, toon-kids or frightfullydisgusting monsters can all be created AND combined. Each of theseunique figure shapes exists as its own DNA entry within the gene pool ofGenesis characters.

Content Management Service
Weve alsoadded a new Content Management Service that makes finding and using 3Dmodels and their accessories easier than ever before. Relying on asimple data base structure, the Content Management Service allows you tosearch for content in multiple ways, such as by keyword, category, andcompatibility. This single system will handle content for multiple DAZ3D software applications in the future which means no matter which DAZ3D application you use, youll always be able to find your 3D assets inthe same way.

Smart Content
In addition to the new ContentManagement Service that makes finding and using 3D models and theiraccessories easier than ever before, DAZ 3D introduces Smart Contentin DAZ Studio 4. Smart Content contains information about itself so thatwhen loaded into DS4, it lets DS4 know who it is, what it is, and whatit works with. This means that instead of loading a hairstyle and thenbrowsing your content tree to find which obscure directory might containthe texture color you want, DS4 is able to show context relevantcontent and when you select a hairstyle, DS4 is able to show you all thepresets eg texture colors associated with that hairstyle.

TriAxTM Weight-Map System
DAZStudio 4 includes a new joint system that relies on hand-paintedweight-maps to control the bending of a figure. This is anindustry-standard approach that DAZ 3D has further advanced by allowingcontent creators to have a separate and distinct weight-map for eachaxis of any joint. This is known as the TriAxTM weight-map system. Usingpainted weight-maps provides content creators flexibility and precisionover how the 3D figure mesh deforms around any type of joint. Theability to paint a separate map for each axis of rotation advances thelevel of mesh control around joints beyond anything else commonlyachieved in the past.

Smart UV Presets
While the Genesisseries of figures will continue to become more diverse, you wont needto worry about figuring out which skin texture works with which shape.DAZ Studio 4 allows content creators to associate a specific UV set withthe textures they create. Each content creator can design the optimalUV set for the shape theyre texturing to make sure it looks its best.For the user, this means that all you need to do is load up the Genesisshape you like, browse to the associated skin texture preset, and DAZStudio will automatically load the correct UV set for the texture youveselected.

DSF Format (DAZ Studio File Format)
The new. DSFfile format enables the transfer of the intelligent 3D content describedabove and provides a simpler format for exchange between applicationsthat implement the DAZ 3D content engine. The file format islightweight, easy to transfer, and provides a human-readable format forsharing scene information using an asset referencing scheme. All of thissimply means that DAZ Studio now allows for the most realistic andversatile figures that weve ever produced. Every joint bends better,and every skin detail is more precise. Both proportions and mass of thefigure can be altered in a variety of ways without ever losing thesuperior bending and detail within the mesh.

Updated User Interface
TheDAZ Studio user experience has been completely redefined with a focuson ease-of-use. Specifically, tools, widgets, panes, and menus have beenre-arranged into context-relative groupings that allow you to getthings done quickly and efficiently. The interface also has new stylesavailable which introduce new icons, colors, and fonts to help providebetter focus on whats relevant to what youre doing.

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Category: SOFTWARE | Views: 483 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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