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Family tree maker 2012
Family tree maker 2012

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Family Tree Maker 2012 has everything you need to create a lasting family legacy. Beginners enjoy the easy navigation and tree-building tools; more experienced users appreciate the program’s robust feature set, which includes flexible options for managing data and a wide variety of output options.

What’s New in Family Tree Maker 2012?
Family Tree Maker 2012 offers some exciting new features that users have been asking for. TreeSync lets you link your desktop tree to an online version so you can access and update your tree on the go. New reports and chart options make it easier to share your tree with friends and family members.

    Easy-to-Understand Combined Family View
    Improved Smart Stories
    Upgrade Tools
    Learning Tools and Technical Support


TreeSync gives you the freedom to access and update your tree no matter where you are. All you need is an Internet connection. First, create your tree in Family Tree Maker. Then upload and link it to Now you can access and update your tree through Family Tree Maker,, or even your iPhone or iPad. When you’re ready sync the changes in Family Tree Maker and your desktop and online trees are both up-to-date.TreeSync also makes it easy to share your tree with friends and family. Simply send an email invitation and relatives around the world can view your tree (and even collaborate with you) without any software or an Ancestry subscription.

Easy-to-Understand Combined Family View

The family group view has a new "blended families” option that lets you display all of a couple’s children in one location. An icon next to a child’s name lets you see at a glance whether he or she is the child of the father, mother, or both parents.

Improved Smart Stories

When Family Tree Maker fills in a Smart Story for you, the story now includes facts about the individual and his or her spouse and children. Previously a generated Smart Story included information about the individual only.


Descendant Charts
The descendant chart has a new option that lets you show the relationship between two people whom you select.

Generation Labels

You can display generation labels (such as parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents) in charts to highlight the relationship between the primary person in the chart and other family members.

Text Boxes

You can now personalize your charts by adding your own text—creating a chart that is completely unique.


Notes Report
The Research Notes has been improved. Now you can include person, research, relationship, or fact notes you’ve entered for individuals.

Index of Individuals Report

The Index of Individuals Report lists every individual in your tree and their birth, marriage, and death dates.

Customized Fact Sentences

When you create an Ahnentafel, descendant report, or Smart Story, Family Tree Maker generates descriptive sentences for each fact or event. Now you can change the wording of these sentences and also choose what data is included.

Family Tree Maker 16 Upgrade Tools

Simplified Interface
If you are upgrading from a previous version of Family Tree Maker (version 16 or earlier), Family Tree Maker will display a simplified user interface that looks more like the version you're accustomed to.

Help specifically for Version 16 users
New help topics are available to help you upgrade to Family Tree Maker 2012 with TreeSync. Topics such as "Migrating from Family Tree Maker 16” and "Charts, Reports and other Printables” help you make the transition easily, and find equivalent features in Version 2012.
Upgrade Guide
The Upgrade Guide highlights some of the exciting new features available in 2012, shows you how to do everyday tasks in the new version, and includes comparison charts and a list of frequently asked questions.

Free Learning Tools and Technical Support

New and improved tutorials teach you how to do more with Family Tree Maker. You can view them in the software by selecting "Training Tutorials” from the Help menu. Or you can watch them online.
Companion Guide
An electronic copy of the Companion Guide to Family Tree Maker 2012 is included free with your software.

Expanded Help topics provide step-by-step instructions, and help for those upgrading from Family Tree Maker 16 and prior versions.

System Requirements

Operating system: Windows XP, Vista (32-bit or 64-bit)
Hard disk space: 500 MB for installation
Memory: 1GB RAM
Display 1024 x 768 resolution
CD-ROM Drive
All online features require Internet access

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Category: SOFTWARE | Views: 384 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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