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LinkedIn Learning Turning Your PowerPoint Presentation into a Video
LinkedIn Learning Turning Your PowerPoint Presentation into a Video

Skill Level : Beginner
Duration : 1m 6s
Language : English
Released : 8/10/2018
Size : 15,2 Mb

Learn which options to use to convert your PowerPoint presentation into a video that's easily shareable to colleagues.

Exporting a slideshow as a video is a great way to share it with friends and colleagues who might not have PowerPoint installed on their computers. With your presentation open, go to the File tab, and here click Export. Then click Create a Video. Note that your video will take advantage of all of your recorded timings, narrations, laser pointer gestures, animations, transitions, and multimedia. First select the resolution for your video. Next, choose whether you want to include already recorded slide timings and narrations. If you don't have any recorded timings, that option will be grayed out as it is here.

Then choose a default time for each slide to appear on screen. When you're ready, click the Create Video button. Choose a location to save your file and give it a name. The MP4 format is a good choice here, as that format can be played natively on both Macs and Windows machines. Click Save to generate your video. You can see the progress of the video conversion process at the bottom of the screen. Once it's done, you'll be able to double-click the video to play it or share the file with others.

Category: VIDEO TUTORIALS | Views: 89 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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