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Lynda Excel 2013 Working With Dates And Times
Lynda Excel 2013 Working With Dates And Times

Included Exercise Files
Skill Level : Intermediate
Duration : 1h 35m
Language : English
Released : 4/10/2014  
Size : 177,37 Mb

Most Excel users incorporate dates and times in their spreadsheets, but getting them to show up the way you want can be difficult. Excel expert Dennis Taylor shares his solutions for formatting and calculating dates and times in Excel 2013. This one-hour course explains what's going on behind the scenes when Excel stores dates and times, gives tips for entering them, and teaches the options for date and time formatting. It also demonstrates the various date and time functions and shows how to calculate with dates and times in a range of scenarios.

Topics include:

Understanding how Excel records and stores dates and times
Looking at standard date and time entry options and acceptable alternatives
Using the TODAY and NOW functions
Customizing date formats
Using keyboard shortcuts
Formatting time for hours over 24
Calculating differences across dates and times
Calculating the day of the week
Working with holidays
Validating dates
Converting formatted dates to usable data

Category: VIDEO TUTORIALS | Views: 89 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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