Main » 2022 » December » 8 » Lynda Excel 2016 Data Validation in Depth
Lynda Excel 2016 Data Validation in Depth
Lynda Excel 2016 Data Validation in Depth

Included Exercise Files
Skill Level : Advanced
Duration : 1h 34m
Language : English
Released : 9/19/2016
Size : 228,08 Mb

With Excel's data validation tools, you can control how users enter data into workbooks, ensuring that data is consistent and accurate. You can control dates, times, even the length of the text they enter, or simply provide a list of acceptable choices to eliminate any possible mistakes. Here, Dennis Taylor explores how the data validation tools in Excel 2016 can be used to set dropdown lists and control numeric, text, date, and time entries.

Topics include:

Controlling numeric input
Using the input message box
Setting up pick lists for quick, error-free input
Creating multitiered pick lists
Setting date and time limitations
Limiting text length
Requiring entries to be unique
Locating cells with data validation rules

Category: VIDEO TUTORIALS | Views: 90 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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