Main » 2022 » December » 8 » Lynda Excel 2016 for the Mac Managing and Analyzing Data
Lynda Excel 2016 for the Mac Managing and Analyzing Data
Lynda Excel 2016 for the Mac Managing and Analyzing Data

Included Exercise Files
Skill Level : Intermediate
Duration : 2h 16m
Language : English
Released : 4/6/2018
Size : 470,73 Mb

Large amounts of data can become unmanageable fast. But with the data management and analysis features in Excel 2016, you can keep the largest spreadsheets under control. In this course, Dennis Taylor shares easy-to-use commands, features, and functions for maintaining large lists of data in Excel. He covers sorting, adding subtotals, filtering, eliminating duplicate data, and using the program's Advanced Filter feature and specialized database functions to isolate and analyze data. With these techniques, you'll be able to extract the most important information from your data, in the shortest amount of time.

Topics include:

Multiple-key sorting
Sorting by background color, font color, or icon
Sorting based on the order of a custom list or in random order
Creating a top-10 list with values or percentage
Creating single and multiple level subtotals from a sorted list
Creating specialized filtered lists using Advanced Filter
Quickly eliminating duplicate rows from lists
Counting unique items using an array formula
Using SUMIF and COUNTIF functions

Category: VIDEO TUTORIALS | Views: 92 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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