Main » 2022 » December » 26 » Lynda Migrating from Flash to Edge Animate
Lynda Migrating from Flash to Edge Animate
Lynda Migrating from Flash to Edge Animate

Included Exercise Files
Skill Level : Intermediate
Duration : 2h 27m
Language : English
Released : 6/25/2014
Size : 455,66 Mb

Are you an experienced Flash developer feeling stranded or left behind by the shift to HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript? There's hope yet, in the form of Edge Animate, which translates Flash's ease of use into code. Watch this course and learn how to make the connections between developing in Flash and in Edge Animate, and then make the leap to a more modern web development workflow.

Jake Ströh explains how the web has evolved away from Flash, while pointing out key similarities and differences in Edge Animate that make migrating at times both smooth and challenging. He shows how to re-create a simple Flash banner ad inside of Edge Animate, walking through tasks that should be familiar to Flash developers, like keyframing parameters and working with symbols and nested timelines. Text, audio, and video work differently in Edge Animate, so Jake also spends time on those techniques. Then he'll work through the process of developing an interactive mobile prototype that accepts input from touch screens. When you're done, you should have the tools you need to migrate to Edge Animate and start building web projects that live up to modern standards.

Topics include:

Understanding the history of Flash and the evolution toward HTML5
Comparing the interface, keyframing, and asset management
Re-creating a Flash project in Edge Animate
Working with web fonts and CSS font styles in Edge Animate
Adding interactivity with JavaScript actions
Working with HTML5 video
Developing for touch screens
Converting SWFs to HTML5 with third-party tools

Category: VIDEO TUTORIALS | Views: 89 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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