Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate v10.0.7.97
Size : 110,08 Mb
Much more than a converter – your complete video toolbox. Convert, edit, enhance, download, burn, organize, capture, and watch – in over 150 formats. Enjoying your videos just got simpler. Now you can watch anytime, anywhere. Alter, enhance, convert – whatever you do – the final result will be in perfect quality ( even in high-definition or 3D) no missing key frames, redraw issues, or crashes.
TVPaint Animation 10 Pro v10.0.16
Size : 229,93 Mb
"All-in-one" software
TVPaint Animation is a complete and versatile software dedicated to drawing, storyboarding and to 2D traditional animation (including management of soundtracks), and all in a single interface.
This software uses bitmap technology, which allows you to mimic life like traditional renderings : pencil, watercolor, oil painting, charcoal, oil pencil… The flexibility of technology allows you to create your own drawing tools, thus your own artistic renderings.
Flip Shopping Catalog v2.4.8
Size : 116,25 Mb
Flip Shopping Catalog is helping to build digital shopping catalogs with realistic page-flipping effect. It provides a new and interesting way to promote and sell products online. The Flip Shopping Catalog program is easy-to-use and will help to build a shopping book within minutes, and output to multiple formats for people to shop online on different devices such as PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Use the shopping catalog creator to make your E-commerce more attractive and effective now!
Bitdefender Total Security 2017 v21.0.25.92 x86-x64
Size : 735,62 Mb
Bitdefender Total Security 2017 delivers ironclad protection against even the most advanced malware and provides features designed to safeguard your private life across multiple platforms — all without slowing down your devices. It uses the most advanced security technology in the world, yet it’s simple and intuitive. You only need one account to protect up to 10 different PCs, Macs, and Android smartphones and tablets.
Kaspersky 2018 All Downloadable Software
Size : 1,01 Gb
Kaspersky Anti Virus
Kaspersky Internet Security
Kaspersky Total Security
Kaspersky System Checker Portable
Kaspersky Free PC Protection v18.0.0
Kaspersky Password Manager 8.0
Kaspersky Rescue Disc 10
Kaspersky Safe Kids
Kaspersky Security Scan
Kaspersky TDSSKiller Version
Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool 2015
Kaspersky Privacy Cleaner
Advanced Uninstaller PRO v12.19 + Portable
Size : 32,22 Mb
Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the ultimate uninstaller for Windows. A full suite of utilities helps you uninstall software with ease, including the stubborn programs which refuse to be uninstalled. Over 25 tools help you perform absolutely everything related to uninstalling, cleaning history tracks and removing programs, plugins, and all sorts of items. All features of Advanced Uninstaller PRO are designed to be both safe and easy to use. You can uninstall programs quickly and completely using its simple and intuitive interface, by selecting the application from a list, or by dragging and dropping a file or shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can also remove a lot of items that other uninstallers can’t even touch. It can repair broken registry entries, clean non-functional Start Menu shortcuts, uninstall annoying browser toolbar, plugins and hijackers, remove fonts and get rid of startup programs that run in your system tray and slow down your computer.
Acronis True Image 2017 v20.0 Build 8058 Final
Multilingual + Activator
Size : 497,42 Mb
Acronis True Image 2017 is an integrated backup and recovery software that ensures the security of all of the information on your PC. It can back up your documents, photos, email, and selected partitions, and even the entire disk drive, including operating system, applications, settings, and all of your data. Backups allow you to recover your computer system should a disaster occur, such as losing data, accidentally deleting critical files or folders, or suffering a complete hard disk crash. Online Backup allows you to store your files and disks on Acronis Cloud. Your data will be protected even if your computer is lost, stolen, or destroyed, and your data can be entirely recovered onto a new device, if needed. Acronis True Image 2016 is optimized for Windows 10.
Acronis True Image 2016 v19.0 Build 6581
Multilingual + Bootable ISO CD
Size : 987,82 Mb
Acronis True Image 2016 is an integrated backup and recovery software that ensures the security of all of the information on your PC. It can back up your documents, photos, email, and selected partitions, and even the entire disk drive, including operating system, applications, settings, and all of your data. Backups allow you to recover your computer system should a disaster occur, such as losing data, accidentally deleting critical files or folders, or suffering a complete hard disk crash. Online Backup allows you to store your files and disks on Acronis Cloud. Your data will be protected even if your computer is lost, stolen, or destroyed, and your data can be entirely recovered onto a new device, if needed. Acronis True Image 2016 is optimized for Windows 10.
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SpyHunter v4.15.1.4270 Incl Crack
Size : 46 Mb
SpyHunter is a powerful, real-time anti-spyware application designed to assist the average computer user in protecting their PC from malicious threats. SpyHunter is automatically configured to give you optimal protection with limited interaction, so all you need to do is install it for immediate and ongoing protection.
As malware continues to evolve and become more sophisticated to avoid detection by anti-spyware/anti-virus programs, SpyHunter responds with advanced technology to stay one step ahead of today’s malware threats. SpyHunter offers additional customization capabilities to ensure every user is able to custom tailor SpyHunter to fit their specific needs.