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Main » 2023 » December » 10 » Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop CS6
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop CS6
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop CS6

Author's : Mike Wooldridge, Brianna Stuart
Publisher: Visual
Release Date: June 13, 2012
Language : English
PDF Format
Pages : 352
Size : 152,98 Mb

Photoshop is constantly evolving, and the newest version offers great new tools for photographers. This popular guide gets visual learners up to speed quickly; previous editions have sold more than 150,000 copies. With colorful screen shots illustrating the step-by-step instructions, this book is perfect for Photoshop newcomers and for visual learners who are upgrading from an earlier version. It covers setting up the software, importing images from the camera, using all the tools, creating an online gallery, and more.

Covers the most important features of Photoshop CS6, including importing photos from a digital camera, retouching and repairing damaged photos, enhancing digital images, and adding custom 3-D effects
Explains how to edit images for the web, create an online photo gallery, and incorporate graphics into desktop publishing programs
Explores color management, using palettes, compositing, using layers, applying gradients, setting type, and working with filters
Features step-by-step instructions and full-color illustrations designed for those who learn best when they see how things are done

You'll learn to:

Select tools and set up a workspace
Change image size and resolution
Experiment with colors and textures
Apply layer styles and filters
Add and manipulate type

Designed for visual learners

Two-page lessons break big topics into bite-sized modules
Succinct explanations walk you through step by step
Full-color screen shots demonstrate each task
Helpful sidebars offer practical tips and tricks

Category: e-BOOKS | Views: 86 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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