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Main » 2018 » April » 11 » Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Flash CS4 Professional
Teach Yourself Visually Adobe Flash CS4 Professional

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Adobe Flash is an integrated development environment, specifically designed for creating animation, multimedia experiences, and Web page components. 
Flash has also become the de facto standard for delivering video over the Internet. 
The Flash Player plug-in allows users to view Flash in their browsers. 
Nearly all current Web browsers support Flash.
Create Illustrations, Animations, and Other Artwork
Flash has many of the same drawing tools as other illustration programs that allow you to create vector
graphics. Vector graphics are composed of lines, curves, and polygons. Conversely, bitmaps are made
up of pixels. The main benefit of using vector artwork in Flash projects is that they can be scaled
larger and smaller without a loss in fidelity. And, depending on their complexity, vector graphics may
download a lot faster over the Internet.
Work with Symbols and Instances
Symbols are objects in Flash that you can reuse. These objects can be Graphics, Buttons, MovieClips,
sounds, and videos. Copies of your symbols that are used in your Flash movie are called instances. No
matter how many instances you create, the symbol is only compiled into your movie once. On the Web,
this is very powerful, because a hundred instances will download just as quickly as a single instance. You can scale, rotate, and modify other properties of an
instance without affecting the base symbol. But, if you edit a symbol, all of the instances inherit your
Create Animation
There are several ways to animate in Flash. You can create frame-by-frame animation, use the Motion
Editor, or use ActionScript to move and manipulate an object’s properties. Frame-by-frame animation is
used primarily for creating movements that cannot be achieved in Flash by other methods.

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Category: e-BOOKS | Views: 393 | Added by: saradaddy | Rating: 5.0/1
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